A Telegram group is similar to a WhatsApp group for sharing stuff with friends and family. WhatsApp has a certain limit for adding more members to the group. In the case of Telegram, you can add unlimited members to your group.
Before, we've discussed how to create a Telegram channel on Android, iOS, and PC. If you have a business or ideas, you could get customers from the Telegram group chat.
Telegram channel doesn't support replies from members whereas a Telegram group does. It supports replies, hashtags, and mentions.
You can add up to 200,000 members to your Telegram group. It can be either a Private group or a Public group.
Before, we've discussed how to create a Telegram channel on Android, iOS, and PC. If you have a business or ideas, you could get customers from the Telegram group chat.
Telegram channel doesn't support replies from members whereas a Telegram group does. It supports replies, hashtags, and mentions.
You can add up to 200,000 members to your Telegram group. It can be either a Private group or a Public group.