Telegram is the best alternative to WhatsApp. It's the best instant messaging application for both personal and commercial use. If you have a Telegram account, you can send pics, videos, voice messages, and custom messages to your friends.
You can create a private channel in Telegram to run an online business. You can maintain many public and private channels using a single account. In order to chat with multiple members, you should create a Telegram group.
To entertain your audience and followers, you must use bots. Bots can manage your channel and group for you effectively. There are automatic and semi-automatic bots in Telegram.
In automatic bots, you have to set a one-time instruction. Whether you're online or offline, the automated bot will work for you. Whereas in semi-automatic bots, you need to give the input each time.
It includes Telegram game bots, music bots, and much more.
You can create a private channel in Telegram to run an online business. You can maintain many public and private channels using a single account. In order to chat with multiple members, you should create a Telegram group.
To entertain your audience and followers, you must use bots. Bots can manage your channel and group for you effectively. There are automatic and semi-automatic bots in Telegram.
In automatic bots, you have to set a one-time instruction. Whether you're online or offline, the automated bot will work for you. Whereas in semi-automatic bots, you need to give the input each time.
It includes Telegram game bots, music bots, and much more.